‘Trying To Prevent Democracy’: The Plan To Use Mail-In Voting Issues To Steal The 2020 Election Exposed

Greg Palast’s new book “How Trump Stole 2020: The hunt for America’s Vanished Voters” was released this week.

The book exposes “the scamps, scoundrels and grifters (or “Governors” as we call them in America) doing the dirty to voters of color.”

Palast, an investigative journalist who has written for the Guardian, BBC Television, Democracy Now!, Rolling Stone, and more sounds the alarm on how Donald Trump and the Republican party  are using an insidious attack on the Post Office to undermine the 2020 election.

Roland spoke with Palast during Monday’s edition of #RolandMartinUnfiltered about how your mail-in vote could be compromised and gave detailed instructions on how to ensure your ballot counts in the 2020 election … #PressPlay.

👀 Watch the 08.17.2020 edition of #RolandMartinUnfiltered https://youtu.be/A2OFDk_Tl6k

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